All current 5th graders and their families are invited to join BCIC for a panel discussion about the transition to middle school in the media center (library) of Station Middle School. After the panel discussion, there will be a breakout for the current 5th graders to informally chat with the current middle school students and/or teachers. At the same time, there will be a breakout for the current 5th grade parents to informally chat with current middle school parents and/or teachers.
This is a FREE event, but registration is required. You may submit as many questions to the panel ahead of time via this same registration form. Questions submitted on this registration will be asked annonymously during the event. You can also directly ask questions at the event to our CI middle school students serving on the panel, Mrs. Weerts & Mr. Yu (our CI middle school teachers), parents of current/past middle schoolers, and BCIC reps. Students must be accompanied by an adult.